Pythian Sisters
Pythian Sisters Logo
The Pythian Sisters is a recognized auxilliary of the Knights of Pythias, and women 16 years of age or older are welcome to apply for membership.  In addition to ritualistic work the Pythian Sisters organization engage in "allruistic efforts" and hold to the four principals of Purity (represented by white), Love (by red), Equality (by yellow) and Fidelity (by Blue).  Pythian Knights are also eligible for membership, however, they do not possess voting priviledges and cannot hold office in the Pythian Sisters.  Both the Knight Lodges and the Sisters Temple work together in numerous activities and projects.
Tennessee currently has one Pythian Sisters Temple located at Rockwood, Tennessee.  The Temple was reorganized and instituted on July 17, 1993 with 36 women as charter members.  The current membership of the Pythian Sisters consists of 23 Sisters and 9 Knights.  They meet the first Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m. ET, at Oak Leaf Lodge in Rockwood.  Jennifer Ezell is the current Most Excellent Chiefand is the one to contact for more information on their public service activities or information on joining their Temple.
Volunteer Temple No. 1 Pythian Sisters at Rockwood continue to thrive and participate in numerous local charity and projects of community benefit, indluding: "Relay for Life" to benefit the Cancer Society; Support "Love Kitchen" which supplies the needy with meals; Holds bingo events for those in the nursing home; Supporting our Military; Supporting a Food Bank and Boy Scouting.  Additionally, a newsletter is provided regularly to the membership.  Current officers are listed below.
Pythian Sisters Officers for 2019
